
What our hands can do for your tissues and systems?

  • Skin

    What can our hands do for your skin?

    The skin is not just a coating, which protects our body from harmful external influences or loss of water, but also a very important organ of sense. Thanks to the massage we can affect both the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue.

    During the massage we improve the flow of blood and lymph (fluid in which the nutrients are dissolved), thereby contributing to the improvement of nutrition and oxygen supply to every cell of the body. A massage speeds up the process of keratosis, as well as the removal of the calluses layer of the epidermis shed, allowing for its flexibility and "rejuvenation".

    Massage can squeeze the contents of the sebaceous glands and remove calluses, which cleanses the skin, and in addition promotes better cutaneous breathing.
  • Connective tissue

    What can our hands do for your connective tissue?

    Connective tissue is an extremely important element in the structure of the human body, and massage is highly beneficial for it's performance. Proper flaccid connective tissue is part of all organs, both combining them and covering. It creates bags for blood vessels and nerve sheath. The effects of massage on connective tissue is really wide. Thanks to massage we affect the tissue indirectly and nourish other tissues. The direct impact is greater flexibility, thereby increasing permeability.

    In the case of the dense connective tissue that forms the building blocks for tendons, numerous fibers, as well as ligaments, we can improve nutrient processes thanks to massage. This prevents degeneration, increases strength, removes tumescence and reduces stretch marks.

    But this is not everything! Massage also has an impact on cartilage, preventing degenerative processes, improving its nutrition and flexibility. We support maintaining a balance between inorganic and organic compounds, accelerate processes of bone healing, and also remove changes in bone tissue. Reticular tissue massage helps us to strengthen the manufacturing processes of blood forming components, and also increases immunity.
  • Muscle tissue

    What can our hands do for your muscle tissue?

    Through massage we influence the smooth muscle tissue, which is part of the construction of the walls of internal organs and blood vessels. Inter alia, by the technique of grinding we shred products of metabolism, and inflammatory deposits, we speed the process of disintegration of damaged cells, releasing the tissue hormones. This is an indirect effect of massage that consequently reduces vascular smooth muscle. Direct impact is obtained by kneading, spreading or grinding. Its effect is to actuate the biogenic automatism, which increases smooth muscle tone.

    In the case of the heart muscle the effect of massage is indirect. Thanks to massage we facilitate venous blood return to the heart, which helps maintain the correct pressure not only in the parts of venous system but also in the atrium and the right ventricle of the heart. Moreover, massage relieves the work of the heart by facilitating blood flow in it's left side. As a result, we align, and also calm the function of this organ.

    Massage also has a beneficial effect on skeletal muscle. Depending on the desired effects we can affect it in order to stimulate, relax, nourish or increase muscle mass. The direct impact of massage on skeletal muscles is their maximum improvement, removal of acidic metabolites of metabolism, better oxygenation, improvement of firmness, elasticity and strength, as well as enhancement of ability of contraction and relaxation in itself. Also we affect them indirectly - on the reflex and chemical level. Depending on the choice of technique we are able to increase or decrease muscle tension, and we support the proper supply of chemically active substances.
  • Fat tissue

    What can our hands do for your body fat?

    Adipose tissue is formed from fat-filled cells, which occur in subcutaneous tissue. With massage, we can crush, and then remove fat from fat cells, and consequently speed up energy metabolism - burning process in the tissues.

  • Skeletal system

    What can our hands do for your skeletal system?

    Massage has an exceptionally beneficial effect on bone health. It increases their cohesiveness, volume and weight. With massage we reinforce periarticular ligaments and the joints themselves become more mobile.
  • Circulatory system

    What can our hands do for your cardiovascular system?

    Using various massage techniques, especially kneading, we cause the aspiration of blood lying circumferentially and push it towards the heart. Thanks to this process we relieve the heart and improve it's function.

    Massage increases the cardiac output and ejection, and additionally affects the dilation of blood vessels and facilitates the transport of oxygen and nutrients. Moreover, the products of metabolism are removed from the body. Thanks to the launch of an emergency vascular network we can improve and make the cardiovascular system more flexible.

  • Urinary-reproductive system

    What can our hands do for your urinary-reproductive system?

    The impact of massage on the urinary-reproductive system is in fact, small, but you can influence it indirectly and directly. The direct impact is achieved thanks to massage of the kidney area, which improves their function. In addition, an abdomen massage perfectly affects the bladder, corrects blood supply and sexual organ nutrition (this applies also in the case of sphincter disorders).

    The indirect effect of urinary-reproductive system massage is to increase the amount of blood flowing through the kidneys. This improves the filtering operation and unnecessary substances of metabolism are effectively eliminated. In addition, massaging can improve the purification of blood plasma and increase the secretion of vasopressin, which facilitates the re-absorption of water concentrated urine.

  • Nervous system

    What can our hands do for your nervous system?

    Massage improves blood circulation and thus blood oxygenation. This ensures correct metabolic processes in all parts of the nervous system. By massaging, we stimulate nerve conduction, because of the direct effect on tissue located in the nerve endings.

    During the massage of the neck muscles, spine and lumbosacral, we are leveraging not only on lumbar nerves, but also on the strands formed by them. On the other hand, by massaging the spine, we stimulate or tone the trunk of the sympathetic system, which is responsible for "mobilization" of the body during intense activity or stress.

    When we massage the skin, muscles, and tissues lying beneath them, innervated by the III, VII, IX and X cranial nerve, and the Cross section of the spine, we affect not only the appropriate nerves, but also the parasympathetic system (responsible for collecting and saving energy).

  • Respiratory System

    What can our hands do for your respiratory system?

    Thanks to the close relationship of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, massage indirectly improves respiratory processes. By stimulating the circulatory system, thus increasing the blood flow through the heart and lungs and also causing vasodilation, we increase metabolism, and thus the demand for oxygen. In this way we stimulate the function of the lungs. During the massage a greater amount of histamine is released, resulting in a narrowing of the bronchial tree and reducing the lungs useless space.

    During the massage, we can also affect the respiratory system in a direct way.

    Through the massage of the spine, back, chest, and especially the intercostal spaces, we can increase the volume of the chest. Stimulation of the bronchial tree boosts the secretion of bronchial mucus which then due to the chest and back patting, will be removed.

    Massage not only improves the ventilation of the lungs, but also increases the respiratory function.

  • Digestive system

    What can our hands do for your digestive system?

    Massage can improve the functioning of the digestive system, exerting an impact in a direct and indirect way.

    The indirect effect is achieved by stimulating the circulatory system that will bring about better nutrition and result in a more efficient operation of the digestive system. Affecting digestion via the nervous system stimulates the tensity work of gastrointestinal muscles. As a result, foods are digested more thoroughly, and the nutrients contained in them are better used. Moreover, during the massage histamine levels are increased which stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

    The direct impact on the digestive system is achieved thanks to massage of the abdominal wall affects strained stomach walls muscles and also the small intestine and colon, which increases the secretion of gastrointestinal hormones. Suitable massage also makes it possible to push the backlog of fecal mass defaulting in the large intestine
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